Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.  —Mark Twain
“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. ”

Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens] humorist, essayist, novelist

Right Choices
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Your Comments
Chepina villarreal from Tijuana b.c.n. JULY 31, 2017
Muy bueno

Mark from Chesterfield, VA JUNE 9, 2016
great thought!!!

Gloria from California JUNE 7, 2016
Very true

RJD from Valley of the Sun JUNE 7, 2016
Make a good name for yourself

Elizabeth from New England JUNE 7, 2016
Mark Twain always says it right!

Muhammad from Springfield VA  JUNE 7, 2016
Another realistic thought from the great satirist.

Sandor from Trukee JUNE 7, 2016
Right or wrong isnt always clear cut. However the wrong is usualy obvious if we consider how the action affects others . The man whos wise may not now what to do , but he knows what not to.

Abdelkarim from Casablanca, Morocco JUNE 7, 2016
That'ss defenetly right

Ken from Alabama JUNE 7, 2016
Mark Twain; my long dead mentor. More relevant today than he was 100 + years ago.

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