We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light! —Hafez
“We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light!”

Hafez Poet

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Your Comments
Holly from Cissna Park, IL MAY 10, 2016
Uplifting idea and inspirational. Thank you Hafiz!

Sandor from San Francisco MAY 4, 2016
A few words that answers an age old question, who are we, and what for?

Jenny from Wisconsin MAY 4, 2016
Thank you, FBL, for introducing me to yet another amazing human being - I can't believe I had never heard of Hafiz! Just when I start getting depressed about humanity and the state of the world, my quote of the day comes into my mailbox and helps me see the light again. Thank you!

annett from fort Myers  MAY 4, 2016
Awsm! ☺ totally agree. Embrace life to the fullest

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