Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. —Og Mandino
“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”

Og Mandino Essayist, Psychologist

Do Thy Best
Pass It On®
Pass It On®

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Your Comments
chris from australia JULY 4, 2017

Blake from Anchorage JULY 4, 2017
so truuueeeeeeeeeeee, get to write a speech about this now can't wait.

Anonymous JULY 4, 2016
What has been your best or worst scenario in ur life?

Amaan from Sri Lanka JUNE 6, 2016
well Said. Best Idea for Every One.

G from Houston JUNE 5, 2016
..especially with the young...

Ceasar from NY JUNE 3, 2016

Graciela from Eagle CO JUNE 2, 2016
It is really true

Kat from North Carolina JUNE 2, 2016
How true!

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