If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them. —Sir Frances Bacon
“If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them.”

Sir Frances Bacon philosopher, essayist, statesman

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Your Comments
Francis Mark from Birkenhead Merseyside  AUGUST 28, 2016
O & they say money's the root of all evil wrong it's the love of money that the root of all evil

Francis Mark from Birkenhead Merseyside  AUGUST 28, 2016
It's nice to be nice

Carolyn from NY AUGUST 24, 2016

Nion from San Hose AUGUST 24, 2016
Very powerful words about being a citizen of our world. #noborders #birthright #humanrights. thank you Sir Bacon.

oran from Newark UK AUGUST 24, 2016

Anne AUGUST 24, 2016
If only......

Chip AUGUST 24, 2016
Just be nice.

Craig from Big Spring Texas AUGUST 24, 2016
In today's world of rudeness it is refreshing to see there is still a location to go to one can count on for kindness and the truly important things in life.

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